Foreign Body Removal
The majority of ear and nasal foreign bodies may be removed in the office by a medical professional with little risk of problems. Forceps, water irrigation, and suction catheter are all common ways of removal. Foreign bodies in the pharynx or trachea are medical emergencies that require surgical consultation.

Foreign Bodies
In family medicine, foreign things in the ear, nose, and throat are occasionally found, typically in youngsters. Food, plastic toys, and tiny household items are the most prevalent foreign bodies. Because the triggering event is largely unnoticed, the symptoms are ambiguous, and patients are frequently misdiagnosed at first, diagnosis is sometimes delayed. The majority of ear and nasal foreign bodies may be removed in the office by a qualified physician with little risk of problems. Forceps, water irrigation, and suction catheter are all common ways of removal. Foreign bodies in the pharynx or trachea are medical emergencies that require surgical consultation. The results of radiography are frequently normal. To confirm the diagnosis and remove the foreign material, flexible or rigid endoscopy is frequently necessary.